(Geo) თბილისის მერია სტუდენტთა დაფინანსების პროგრამას აცხადებს
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10th Winter Olympiad in Informatics
The 10th Winter Olympiad in Informatics has been slated for 26 February 2023. The Olympiad, jointly organized by IBSU and Information Technologies Training and Informatics Olympiad Supporting Association, is open for Georgian school students (up to 8th grade, 9th-10th, and 11th-12th grades) and young
Rector’s order on announcement of admission to master’s program, documents list, and deadlines
The Order of the International Black Sea University Rector, Dr. Saffet Bayraktutan, on the announcement of admission to the IBSU master's program for the academic year 2023–2024, following passing the Common Master's Exams, the list of required documents and deadlines.
IBSU kicks off collecting aid for Türkiye earthquake victims
IBSU joins donation campaign and kicks off collecting aid to support the victims of two powerful earthquakes that jolted southern Türkiye on 6 Feb. The campaign is open for everyone, including IBSU academic and administration personnel, students and alumni. Those who want to
(Geo) ჰარვარდის დევისის ცენტრის ქართველოლოგიის პროგრამის ფარგლებში კონკურსი გამოცხადდა
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Indonesia offers KNB Scholarship
Indonesia offers Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) Scholarship 2023 (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Programs) to international students. The selection of the scholarship programs can be accessed at the following KNB's site: https://knb.kemdikbud.go.id/ (KNB Scholarship application guidelines is enclosed). Application deadline - February 18,
Latvian State Education Development Agency announces scholarships, summer schools
State Education Development Agency of the Republic of Latvia announced scholarships for students and academic and research staff of higher education institutions for studies in Latvian higher education institutions during the academic year 2023/2024, as well as for participation in summer
(Geo) ISIE-ის და IESEC-ის თანამშრომლობის ფარგლებში გაცვლითი პროგრამა გამოცხადდა
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TICA announces online training courses for students
Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) offers students the Annual International Training Course (AITC) via online platforms in 2023. The online training courses are categorized under six themes i.e. Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP), Public Health, Agriculture and Food Security, Climate Change and Environmental Issues,
Scholarship to Foreign Students Tenable in Brunei Darussalam
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to invite applications for the Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarship to Foreign Students Tenable in Brunei Darussalam for the 2023/2024 academic session. Details here