(Geo) ჩინეთის სიჩუანია პროვინციის უნივერსიტეტმა სასწავლო სასტიპენდიო პროგრამები გამოაცხადა
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(Geo) სოფიაში ფრანგული ენის ახალგაზრდა მასწავლებლების ფორუმი გაიმართება
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TICA announces scholarships
Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) in cooperation with Thai universities/academic institutions would like to announce the scholarships for Master's degree under the Thailand International Postgraduate Programme (TIPP) for the year 2023. Read more: https://bit.ly/3N83Whi
John Edward Bushyhead’s Public Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation
John Edward Bushyhead's Public Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation on Reasons and Effects of The US Global Strategic Defense Cooperation and Its Integration with Transovrabia’s Political and Institutional Transformation 2000-till Present (Case study on Georgia) will be held on May 11,
Interdisciplinary Summer School – Explore the Caucasus, at the Crossroads of Empires
Interdisciplinary Research Center at International Black Sea University organizes Interdisciplinary Summer School “Explore the Caucasus, at the Crossroads of Empires" that offers a series of lectures for international and local postgraduate and doctoral programs’ students, as well as young professionals
(Geo) ახალგაზრდა მეცნიერთა V საერთაშორისო ინტერდისციპლინური სიმპოზიუმი
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