Final tour of the 36th national olympiad of Georgian students in informatics
შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის (IBSU) პარტნიორობითა და მხარდაჭერით, IBSU-ში გაიმართა ინფორმატიკაში საქართველოს მოსწავლეთა 36-ე ეროვნული ოლიმპიადის დასკვნითი ტური (GEOI’2024). საქართველოს მოსწავლეთა სხვადასხვა რანგის ეროვნულ ნაკრებთა შესარჩევი ტურები გაიმართება 26-27 მაისს. მათგან გოგონათა ნაკრები მონაწილეობას მიიღებს ევროპის გოგონათა მე-4 ოლიმპიადაში (ივლისი, ჰოლანდია),
IBSU held Masterclass for pupils
The students of the Bachelor's Program of Journalism at the International Black Sea University conducted a masterclass for the pupils of the Georgian-German school "Skhivi". Schoolchildren were introduced to the specifics of the journalism profession, news writing techniques, and photojournalism.
First Aid Masterclass for entrants
International Black Sea University (IBSU) conducted a free two-day First Aid Masterclass for entrants. The academic staff of the IBSU Medicine Program taught the entrants first aid techniques, including vital sign assessment methods, basic life support (BLS) algorithm, cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Project “State Governance for Students” at IBSU
International Black Sea University hosted a free training for "State Governance for Pupils ". Through practical and fun activities, participants learned more about the basics of public administration, its importance, and their role in public administration.
International Black Sea University hosted the 14th International Research Conference on Education, Language, and Literature (IRCEELT). The conference covered various disciplines, including education, history of education, educational psychology, classroom management, educational leadership, management and administration, methods of teaching English, using information communication
IBSU hosted Norwegian Ambassador
Ambassador of Norway to Georgia, Bergliot Hovland visited the International Black Sea University and held a public lecture for the students of the American Studies BA program. IBSU Rector Kakha Shengelia and Dean of the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Head
FMGE sessions at IBSU
International Black Sea University started interactive FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Exam) sessions, led by Dr. Sandeep Sharma, a prominent faculty member of pediatrics. The sessions are organized in collaboration with Arise Medical Academy, a prominent FMGE coaching institution in India.
Georgian dance master class for international students
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IBSU students visited beneficiaries of the cathatrsis
Students of the International Black Sea University visited the beneficiaries of the catharsis and gave them Paskas. As part of its social responsibility, IBSU funded one day's lunch for the beneficiaries.
Kakha Shengelia handed over Easter Paska easter bread to IBSU employees
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