Requirements for participation:
- The representatives of academic and scientific–research fields
- The representatives of executive and legislative bodies
- The representatives of higher educational institutions
- Students of bachelor, master and doctoral programs
- Independent researchers
- Any citizen whose report meets the academic requirements and is in line with the directions provided by the program
- Submission of the article: April, 1
- Conference : May. 2
Report Design Instruction:
The volume of the scientific report
A4 Format 4-7 pages. Font: Sylfaen, for German and English Languages – Times New Roman.
Illustration Material; (Charts, Diagrams, Graphs, Photo material) should be presented in -MS
Word. All areas – 2.0 cm. Space-1.5, Font size 12, Passage 1.25.
Text structure (in the following sequence):
- Report Title
- Surname, Name
- Work place, position, scientific rank
- Abstract
- Key Words
- Main Text
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Title of the work in English
- Surname, name, Work place, position, scientific mark (in English)
- Resume in English (100-150 words)
Organizational committee: tel.: (+995)599 29 89 41;
The text of the report should be presented in electronic format. Electronic version should be sent
to email –b.sherazadishvili@gtu.ge